Non-Album Tracks, 1955

Thank you to SHTV’s “Bob F” for his invaluable assistance in compiling this information.

Ongoing discussion at the Steve Hoffman Music Forum (LINK)           

Album Index     <---- 1954 Sessions     1955 Singles:  March 4                                  March 7   March 23   July 29    August 19     September 13     October 17   October 31 ----> 1956 Sessions


October 17, 1955 -

You Forgot All the Words / Love is Here to Stay / Weep They Will

Song #1:

“You Forgot All the Words”

Top Choices:

•1991 No One Cares CD

Close Seconds:

•1981 Australian The Rarities - Volume One LP**

•Original This is Sinatra, Volume Two LP (D9 sampled)

•1984 Japan This is Sinatra, Volume Two LP

•2016 This is Sinatra, Volume Two LP

**This LP is my favorite version for the first 2:21 of the song, but the remainder is more pronouncedly deficient than on the 1991 CD, which is the most uniform on the whole.  See notes at far right.

Not as good:

•UK This is Frank Sinatra, 1953-1957 CD and 1985 UK This is Sinatra, Volume Two LP - mildly bright

•Original D 45s - mildly compressed; so-so tone


•Original N 45s - audibly compressed

•UK This is Frank Sinatra, Volume Two CD - compressed; odd tone

•1996 Complete Capitol Singles and 2000/2002 No One Cares CDs: Norberg


•There is a very strange splice in this song at roughly 2:21.  The presence of a splice is not odd, but the fact that the sound quality markedly drops after the splice is odd.  Possible explanations: 

1.) For a technical reason (perhaps the typically-used tape from the “A” machine got damaged?), the portion after the splice was sourced from Capitol’s B recorder, which perhaps was misadjusted for bias or azimuth (doubtful, since Capitol’s technical engineers adjusted tape machines and lathes daily after running diagnostics each morning) vis-a-vis their A recorder, a problem which would normally not be brought to the fore if the entire song had been sourced from the same machine, start to finish; OR,

2.) With the A reel already unusable in the above scenario (damaged tape), the production team may have rejected the idea of cutting up the B reel (typically stored intact until such time as deemed no longer necessary, i.e., once the song has been completed and commercially released to the company’s satisfaction), so a dub was made from the B reel of the needed portion, and that dub was used for the spliced-in portion. 

(My money is on the second possibility.  It sounds like a dub.) 

Arranger/Conductor: Nelson Riddle

Original Release: 45/78 #3552, October 1, 1956

Original LP Release: This is Sinatra, Volume

    Two, March 31, 1958

Original CD Release: No One Cares, 1991

Releases sampled for this comparison:

•1956 D and N 45

•1958 This is Sinatra, Volume Two LP

•1981 Australia The Rarities - Volume One LP

•1984 Japan This is Sinatra, Volume Two LP

•1985 UK This is Sinatra, Volume Two LP

•1991 No One Cares CD

•1994 UK This is Frank Sinatra 1953-1957 CD

•1996 Complete Capitol Singles Collection CD*

•1998 UK This is Sinatra. Volume Two CD

•2000/2002 No One Cares CD*

•2016 This is Sinatra, Volume Two LP

*Essentially a shared mastering (2000/2002 is very mildly less dynamic)

Song #3:

“Weep They Will”

Top Choice:

The Capitol Years


Tell Her You Love Her LP, When Your Lover has Gone LP, and The Rarities, Volume Two LP - wet tapes

Complete Capitol Singles Collection - Norberged

Audio Clips

Arranger/Conductor: Nelson Riddle

Original Release: 45/78 #3290, Nov. 28, 1955

Original LP Release: UK When Your Lover Has

    Gone, August 4, 1961

Original CD Release: The Capitol Years,

    December 13, 1990

Releases sampled for this comparison:

•1956 45

•1960s(?) UK When Your Lover Has Gone LP

•1963 Tell Her You Love Her LP

•1983 Australia The Rarities, Volume Two LP

•1990 The Capitol Years CD (LP)

•1996 Complete Capitol Singles CD


All clips posted here mirror those freely available via

Above: 1996 Complete Capitol Singles CD, mastered by Bob Norberg, courtesy “rangerjohn”.

Song #2:

“Love Is Here to Stay”

See: Songs for Swingin’ Lovers

Above: 1991 No One Cares CD, mastered by Larry Walsh, courtesy Bob F.

Above: 1994 UK This is Frank Sinatra 1953-1957 CD.

Above: 1958 D9 This is Sinatra, Volume Two LP

Above: 1981 Australian The Rarities - Volume One LP, mastered by Otto Ruiter.

Click photo above to listen:

1990 The Capitol Years CD, courtesy “OldCoder”

Above: 1956 N1 45, courtesy stevelucille

Above: 1956 N2 45, courtesy stevelucille

Above: 1956 D9 45, courtesy stevelucille

Above: 1956 Triple Play Preview promo-only EP, courtesy stevelucille

Above: 1998 This is Sinatra, Volume Two CD, courtesy rangerjohn

Above: 1985 UK This is Sinatra, Volume Two LP

Audio Clips

NOTE: The splice discussed in the NOTES section at right occurs at roughly the 0:22 mark in the 30-second clips below

Above: 1996 Complete Capitol Singles CD, mastered by Bob Norberg, courtesy “rangerjohn”.

Click photo above to listen:

1955 D1 45, courtesy stevelucille

Click photo above to listen:

1955 Japan 45, courtesy stevelucille

Above: 1984 Japan This is Sinatra, Volume Two LP

Above: 2016 This is Sinatra, Volume Two LP