Non-Album Tracks, 1962
Non-Album Tracks, 1962
Thank you to SHTV’s “Bob F” for his invaluable assistance in compiling this information.
Ongoing discussion at the Steve Hoffman Music Forum (LINK) Album Index Back to 1960 tracks
March 6, 1962 @ United Recording Corp.
I Gotta Right to Sing the Blues / Boys Night Out / Cathy (orch. only)
Song #1: “I Gotta Right to Sing the Blues”
Four top choices, in three very different flavors:
•1984 Dutch DMM mono Sinatra
Sings...of Love and Things LP
(Good tone; everything congeals
•The Capitol Years CD - stereo
remix (Clean and clear; the way
the vocal was recorded, when no
reverb is added, it sounds a little
like Frank is in a padded,
carpeted cell)
•1998 UK Sinatra Sings...of Love
and Things CD and The Works
LP - Original-mix stereo (By far
the best of the original-mix
releases -- With reverb on the
vocal, things breathe a little
better, i.e., Frank is out of his
padded cell)
•N-cut mono Sinatra Sings...of Love and Things LPs
•Stereo Sinatra Sings...of Love and Things LPs
•1991 Come Swing with Me CD - edgy, hard/harsh tone
•Track Layout:
-Left = Saxes, piano, bass, mallets
-Center = Sinatra
-Right = Brass, drums, guitar
•Significant drum leakage smears up the stereo mixes considerably.
•Sinatra’s only Capitol recording made at United in Hollywood.
•With this song, Sinatra’s contract requirements with Capitol were finally met.
•The Works is not sampled here due to technical problems with my personal copy.
Arranger/Conductor: Skip Martin
Original LP Release: Sinatra Sings...of Love
and Things, mono and stereo, July 2, 1962
Original CD Release: The Capitol Years,
December 13, 1990 (stereo)
Releases sampled for this comparison:
•1962 Sinatra Sings...
Of Love and Things mono LP
•1962 Sinatra Sings...
Of Love and Things stereo LP
•1973 The Works LP (stereo)
•1981 Australia The Rarities -
Volume One LP (mono)
•1983 MFSL Sinatra Sings...
Of Love and Things stereo LP
•1984 UK Sinatra Sings...
Of Love and Things LP (stereo)
•1984 Holland Sinatra Sings...
Of Love and Things mono LP
•1990 The Capitol Years CD (stereo)
•1991 Come Swing with Me CD (stereo)
•1998 UK Sinatra Sings...
Of Love and Things CD (stereo)
•1999/2000/2002 Come Swing with Me CD (stereo)
Audio Clips - Mono
Above: 1998 UK Sinatra Sings...of Love and Things CD, courtesy “old coder.”
Above: 1962 D1#2 Sinatra Sings...Of Love and Things LP
Above: 1983 MFSL Sinatra Sings...Of Love and Things LP, mastered by Jack Hunt
Above: 1984 Holland DMM mono Sinatra Sings...of Love and Things LP
Above: 1984 UK Sinatra Sings...of Love and Things LP, courtesy SHTV’s “BFerr1.”
Audio Clips - Stereo
Above: 1962 N5 Sinatra Sings...of Love and Things LP
Above: 1981 Australian The Rarities - Volume One LP
Above: 1962 D5 Sinatra Sings...of Love and Things LP
Above: 1990 The Capitol Years CD, remixed and mastered by Furmanek/Walsh
Above: 1991 Come Swing with Me CD, remixed and mastered by Larry Walsh
Above: ℗1999/2000/2002 Come Swing with Me CD, remixed and mastered by Robert Norberg